Scott Marion Elected to the National Academy of Education
Prestigious panel chooses 18 new members for their expertise in education research and policy
The National Academy of Education announced today that 18 exceptional education leaders and scholars are elected to membership in the Academy. The new members listed below represent a wide range of expertise in education research and policy:
Michael Bastedo, University of Michigan
Marina Bers, Boston College
Amanda Datnow, University of California, San Diego
John Diamond, Brown University
Suzanne Donovan, Strategic Education Research Partnership Institute
Heather Hill, Harvard University
Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, University of Southern California
Joseph Kahne, University of California, Riverside
Felice Levine, American Educational Research Association
Scott Marion, National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment
Danielle McNamara, Arizona State University
Andrew Meltzoff, University of Washington
Roslyn Mickelson, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Jeffrey Milem, University of California, Santa Barbara
Karen Murphy, Pennsylvania State University
Fernando Reimers, Harvard University
Peter Smagorinsky, University of Georgia
Maisha Winn, University of California, Davis
The National Academy of Education advances high quality education research and its use in policy and practice. The Academy consists of U.S. members and international associates who are elected based on outstanding scholarship or leadership related to education. Nominations are submitted by individual Academy members once a year for review and election by the organization’s membership. In addition to serving on expert study panels that address pressing issues in education, members are also deeply engaged in the Academy’s professional development fellowship programs.
Carol Lee, president of the National Academy of Education said: “This diverse group of leaders and scholars is at the forefront of those who are improving the lives of students in the United States and abroad. At a time of great tension and political debate surrounding education, these leaders are building a strong foundation of knowledge and evidence for ways to improve education policy and practice.”