Through-Year Assessment: Threading the Needle

From Session 4 of the 2021 Convening on Through-Year Assessment: The final session will involve turning the tables. Center for Assessment professionals and some external experts will be invited to do short presentations on the following questions:

  • Can convening participants envision a through-year design (broadly conceived) that can meet both accountability (e.g., ESSA) and instructional claims? What are some promising design ideas that might thread this needle?
  • What is the best way to advise states and other clients purportedly interested in pursuing a through-year design? Can we make this work? Do we have to temper our claims?
  • What is the level of ongoing tailoring and development that needs to be done?
  • What are any additional assessment literacy needs to be associated with through year designs compared to the normal challenges with increasing assessment literacy among key stakeholders?
  • If not through year designs, what are some other possible designs that might be able to meet some of the stated goals discussed in earlier sessions?

Session 4 Agenda

Watch the presentation here.

Session 4 slides: Consequential Aims, the Role of Accountability, and Panel Discussion
