Artificial Intelligence (AI) and K-12 Education: Implications for 10 Areas of Work in Assessment and Accountability

The immense power of artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming society and the economy. K-12 education is no exception. In this table, and an accompanying blog post, we identify some of the opportunities for innovation that advances in AI might facilitate in K-12 assessment and accountability, and the potential risks they might present.

AI is changing the roles human experts play in design and implementation. We are moving from being the direct creators end products to the supervisors of AI algorithms and the evaluators, synthesizers and refiners of the products created by these algorithms.

Even as those shifts happen, people are debating how to think about them. Should we consider the performance of these algorithms a human-like intelligence? Or simply highly sophisticated automation based on large volumes of input?  No matter what view we take, it is clear that advances in AI shape the way knowledge work is being conducted.

Our blog post, “Ready or Not: AI is Changing Assessment and Accountability,” highlights key implications of AI for assessment and accountability. This table details 25 implications in 10 areas of that work.
