Improving the Validity of States’ Standards-Based Assessment and Accountability Systems October 9th – 10th Agenda Session I Building Legally Defensible Accountability Systems A Federal Law/Policy Framework: Building “Single Statewide Accountability […]
Topics: Validity
A framework for designing a program to evaluate the validity of state accountability systems is presented in this session, including examples of several possible studies.
High quality local assessment systems may offer great promise for truly improving teaching and learning. Yet these designs are not without their challenges. In this CCSSO presentation we discuss and […]
High quality local assessment systems may offer great promise for truly improving teaching and learning. Yet these designs are not without their challenges. In this CCSSO presentation we discuss and […]
This presentation at the Council of Chief State School Officers’ 2002 large-scale assessment conference discusses issues involved in using alignment studies between standards and assessments, and assessment and accountability decisions, […]
This presentation at the 2002 CCSSO Large-scale assessment conference discusses how and why states may use methods other than a single quantitative formula to identify low-performing schools. Gives examples from […]
Validity Evidence for AssessmentsSuzanne Lane, University of Pittsburgh Setting Performance Standards on Educational Assessments and Criteria for Evaluating the ProcessRonald K Hambleton, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Validity study that compares the relationships between performance on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) and other tests scores with a commercial, standardized test in one district (Collaborating District A, […]
Summary of findings from two studies of MCAS validity by Gong, Thacker and Hoffman; summarizes MCAS relationships with scores on other standardized tests, gender, race-ethnicity, transience, and course-taking patterns.
Presentation at the AERA Special Interest Group on School Indicators and Profiles; uses examples from several states to highlight need to disaggregate data to address validity, equity, and improvement.