Scott Marion provides a rationale for states interested in using an achievement index in their ESSA accountability system designs.
Topics: Accountability
This paper provides state accountability leaders an overview of the federal law and key design considerations as they develop identification systems under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The authors […]
This paper helps state accountability leaders consider criteria and potential methods to evaluate the success, utility, and impact of their identification and accountability systems under the Every Student Succeeds Act […]
This white paper provides an overview of key considerations associated with including indicators of progress in English language proficiency within ESSA systems of accountability.
This brief summarizes ESSA’s requirements for the school quality/student success indicator and outlines key factors to consider when identifying, evaluating, and implementing these indicators as part of a state’s federal […]
This paper describes the requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) regarding the indicator for student success and school quality—often called the 5th indicator—and offers advice to states on […]
This paper identifies the key elements underlying a comprehensive accountability system evaluation and illustrates how the framework can be applied to design an evaluation plan for state and locally defined […]
This paper was written in response to claims made in Stephen Sireci et al’s 2016 critique of Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs). It presents evidence and rationale to support appropriate use […]
This paper supports state leaders as they create theories of action to support the design of high-quality accountability systems.
This document, published in conjunction with Knowledge Works, provides a detailed guide to help state and district leaders create detailed theories of action, particularly for innovative assessment systems.
This memo to U.S. Education Secretary John King was jointly prepared by the Center for Assessment and KnowledgeWorks in March 2016 to advise on the implementation of the Innovative Assessment […]
This brief provides an overview of the school accountability requirements under the Every Student Succeeds Act and outlines a process to help state leaders in the design of their systems.
This brief describes the potential coherence and efficiencies that can be gained by integrating competency-based education models and student learning objectives, thereby connecting educator and student accountability.
Chris Domaleski and Erika Hall present a framework for developing a transition plan for state accountability systems when new assessments are introduced.
Assessing College and Career Readiness: 2015 and Beyond September 26th-September 27th Day 1 Beyond the Common Core: Patrick Kyllonen Measurement of 21st Century Skills Within the Common Core State StandardsPatrick […]
This paper provides an overview of state differentiated accountability systems in response to federal ESEA waivers. It includes illustrations of promising practices in accountability design and recommendations to address implementation […]
An exploration of new approaches to accountability design proposed by states in responses to federal ESEA flexibility requests. The opportunities and threats associated with these approaches are addressed, with a […]
Evaluating the Evaluators: Evaluating Educator Evaluation Systems Thursday, September 13th Agenda Time Topic 8:30am Welcome and IntroductionsBrian Gong, Center for Assessment 9:00am Evaluating Teacher Evaluation Systems: Introduction and Conference OverviewScott […]